This is is a dedicated DNS server network. These servers are intended to be used only as DNS servers. We do not allow other services except those needed for configuration, monitoring, and maintaince of your DNS network.
We use only industrial rack mounted servers with dual power supplies, RAID storage arrays using industrial grade hard drives and Xenon or better CPU's designed for dedicated servers. We never use consumer grade CPU's, hard disks, Desktops, etc.
Secure and weather resistant buildings with video surveillance, gated parking lot's, climate controlled environments, dual fiber entrance, UPS and Diesel Generators, Standards compliance with the ability to provide all the necessary paperwork.
Sales: 1-800-231-4459
Support: 1-734-454-9117
One Avenue LLC
P.O. Box 531746
Michigan 48153-1746
cPanel VPS Servers
Co-Location Services
Custom Spam Filtering
Dedicated Backup Servers
Dedicated cPanel Servers
Dedicated DNS Servers
DNS Administration Service
Linux Administration Support